Love that bird: Red-tailed Hawk

Welcome red-tailed hawk fans! Ever since I published a post about drawing a picture of my grandad with his red-tailed hawk, I've been getting steady traffic from folks searching for the words "drawing of a red tailed hawk." What's more, once you folks find your way to my site, you spend an average of twelve minutes checking it out (my site average is like two and half minutes)! Clearly we have something in common.

That beautiful bird

In the South Okanagan on a clear sunny day, there's a good chance you'll come across one of these majestic birds, circling high in the ponderosa pine/ blue bunch grass ecosystem, that glint of a red tail shining in the sun, a call carrying through the wind. There is something so peaceful about the way they soar, and something so visually appealing about their colour and patterning, dusted with tans, reds, whites and blacks (I'm big on desert colors, coming from Canada's only pocket desert). A spiritual experience to be sure. My family often associates the birds with those who have passed on, a reminder that the spirits of our loved ones once soared along the valley hills (whether by foot or wing) and still do as they live on through us.

Anyhow, welcome, I post pretty often on various environmental issues including environmental communication, environmental storytelling, as well as political and social issues, poetry about nature with a soft spot for stand-up's definitely a grab bag of content, but it's beginning to turn into something cohesive.

I hope you enjoy it!